Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The 20 minute Apron~

New fun project in my craft section, take a visit and learn how to make this adorable skirt apron in just 20 minutes while the little one's sleep!

There's no double folds, pressing of the hem line or any other time consuming tasks when sewing.

~I hope you like it~

Memorial day fills my heart with appreciation~

Today was Memorial Day, well it was a few minutes ago.  This is the first opportunity I've had to sit down with the computer today, so here I am...

I feel so blessed to be apart of such a wonderful group of people, my family...my whole family.  I'm just feeling very thankful for all of them.  Our parent's, my brother, our sister's and all of my nephew's and my precious little niece and of course my dear husband and beautiful children.  There's nothing more important than family in this life.  Today, I thought a lot about my son who's stationed in N. Carolina with the Marine's and how thankful I am that he's safe, healthy and has a warm bed to crawl into.

I love you Robert & thank you for helping to protect our country.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


I woke up, poured my coffee, sat cozy on the bed, flipped open the lap~top AND surprise...I won an award!  I think this maybe the first award that I have ever won!  Needless to say, I'm very happy.  It seems as though people are actually reading this blog o' mine.  Now, the pressure's on ;)

Awe, here's my pretty little award.

Thank you very much http://www.terrislittlehaven.com/ for thinking of me and including me  in the top 15! 
Two things to getting this award include sharing 7 things about me and picking 15 other versatile bloggers.

Here's my list...
1.) If someone hits one arm I have to hit the other arm (it's a wierd balance thing)
2.) I eat red pepper flakes on almost everything
3.) It takes me like 5 minutes to get my pillows and blankets just right and comfortable before falling asleep (my poor husband)
4.) I break glass cups like they're disposable
5.) Content with staying within these 4 walls w/ my family (I do enjoy the occasional "girls day")
6.) I love the smell of paper
7.) my brain often thinks faster than I can speak and a I end up making no sense at all

Here are my favorite 15 blogs I've recently come across~


Please take your award and EnJoY!

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Top 10 Things I Can Do With 1 Hand...

And a baby on the hip!

(sweeping is just a bonus:)

1.) dishes
2.) eat
3.) bills
4.) clean house
5.) water the lawn
6.) make dinner
7.) put on make~up (when leaving the house)
8.) laundry
9.) check email
10.) feed the dogs

 Of course, I don't have to do this daily but it sure has been known to happen on occasion.

Thanks to my amazing baby girl :)

What are some things you can do with a baby on your hip?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

growing a pile of clothes~

To my neverending pile of laundry,

My how you grow.  It seems you get bigger and bigger everyday.  You must work and play very hard as I'm always scrubbing your stains off of you and washing you clean.  When do you ever get any rest?  I fold you neatly and tuck you away ever so cozy and snug in your drawers and you pop right back up into my basket!  Oh, pile of laundry how I look  forward to our time together, our daily workouts are really keeping me in shape. 

I remember when you were just a cute little thing.  You consisted only of a few pairs of socks, some shorts, shirts and a couple of towels.  You've certainly multiplied over these years into a large heaping stack of clothes. 

I really must thank you, because of you I am reminded how big and active my family is.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Is it tomorrow yet?

My dear husband told me "he loves my blog but it's a bit fluffy" and kindly suggested that I have a place called (the honest truth) where I could write about the things that "aren't so fluffy."  Well, I can fix that... 

Sometimes I feel like the day will never end, I wake up (early) change baby's diaper, feed her a bottle, change her clothes, let the dogs out, take a shower, while baby sits in her chair next to me crying as I rinse out the conditioner, take crying baby out of chair, feed her big girl food, go for a walk, clean the house, eat lunch, baby's fussing so we go for another walk, come inside (out of breath) talk to husband on the phone, he doesn't want to be at work, talks about bills that need to be paid, he's in a mood, so we get of the phone, nap time (yay!) baby falls asleep finally after 20 minutes of bouncing and trying different things to get her to sleep, great, she's a sleep, I go potty, straighten up the house, sweep the cheerio's off of the floor and sit down, awe...this is nice, I grab my computer and take a deep breath, what's that? No, it's not the baby it must be the cat, nope, definitely not the cat, I love when she takes a 30 minute nap and so we do it all over again.  I can't wait for the husband to come home, I need a break.  Husband comes home (barely) he tells me the truck needs to go in the shop in the morning...nice!  He then proceeds to go outside with his tools to work on the truck, no break for mom today.  All the while he asks me "what's wrong?" "are you ok?"  "Ya, I'm fine, I'm just breathing."  So, for the rest of the evening we barely talk, everything he says irritates me and obviously I can do no good at this moment.  We finally crawl into bed, awe, I've been looking forward to this all day!  I lay there still for a few glorious minutes...baby's wakes up crying! 
 He started it

BaBy LoVe~

Her bright smile, her button nose, those shiny wet lips, her fingers caressing my face as I feed her, her beautiful green eyes looking up at me, the way she scoots on her bottom, the joy she brings to our home, her open mouth kisses, her long piano playing fingers, the way she loves to play in her bath, how excited she gets when she sees her sissy's, as she kicks her legs and waves her arms when dadda comes home, how she can dump out a bag of cereal in 30 seconds flat, when she pushes her food off of her highchair when she's full, the way she loves me, the love she has for our daily walks, the joy she has for pretty yellow flowers, when she takes 2 hour naps, the games we play together, when she shares her toys with me, I love when she puts her toys or food on her head, the moments when she buries her precious little head in my chest, the way I can soothe her, the awe and wonder for the world around her, when she points at pictures of mommy and daddy, when she falls a sleep in her jumper...These are some of the things that bring a smile to my face, thanks to my new daughter.

We love you Johnna B.

in under a minute~

When you become a mom you learn to move real fast.  Here are some things I can do in under a  minute while my coffee heats up in the microwave.

*put baby's diaper in trash
*put baby's dirty clothes in hamper
*go potty (remember I have children)
*wipe off the counters
**ding, ding...coffee's done**

This is what hubby can do in under a minute while his coffee heats up in the microwave

*watch coffee heat up in said microwave.
**ding, ding...coffee's done**

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Joy Of Thrift Store Shopping~

Tap...tap...honey slowly opens the door, I heard rumbling in here...I knew you were a wake, he says.  Good morning babe...yes...I'm waking up...thank you for letting me sleep in (I love these mornings), oh is that hot cup of coffee for me, I ask?  Mmmm...thank you!  Yes babe, I'd love to have a girls day today & go browsing the thrift shops!  Off I go with my sidekick (my oldest daughter) I don't dare leave her behind on these ventures...I've officially got her hooked on the joy of thrift store shopping.  We stop at our favorite coffee shop and pick up our concoction of 1/2 coffee 1/4 mocha & 1/4 hot chocolate...you really must try this...Delicious!  (yes, that's 2 cups so far) I feel a tinge of excitement as we enter the shop, the smell, the variety, the treasures ahead.  Off we go, Rach goes her way and I go mine.  The beautiful home decor I've found on these days, is extremely fulfilling, I love going to a store and knowing that not everyone else is purchasing the same thing for the "season."  Now, don't get me wrong, I like most woman,  love a new designer bag BUT when you can purchase an authentic, Coach bag for $12...well.............Oh, here comes Rach anxiously looking for me..."Hey mom, look what I found"..."no way", I say.  She's holding a handful of clothes, all name brand...oh, I love those Roxy shorts, they'll look so cute on you and they're only $3...bargain!  We gather up our treasure's for the day and head back home.  We sit silent for a moment, then eagerly start rummaging through the bags...I love this, oooh that's so cute!  Ya, I like that too and on and on and on!  Before we pull in the driveway, I hear, "thanks mom, that was fun"..."I had a great time too," I say.  With that being said, I look at shopping for school clothes in an entirely different light.

**Just a subtle hint for the husband**

bag $12

Leather boots $8 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

bed~time or blog~time?

The house is still, lights on dim, the baby is snuggled tightly, sleeping in her crib and hubby is keeping the bed nice and warm for me.  As I sit on the comfy couch with my soft (favorite) blanket and computer on my lap, I'm trying to decide...should I go cuddle with my man and get some much needed sleep or sit and be still in the silent?  Well, I am pretty tired but I'm always tired.  I have been wanting to start blogging as I'm getting close to putting the finishing touches on the layout...hmmm.  Fingers softly bouncing off the keybored, lips twisted, this really should be easy to decide.  It seems as though my eyes have made the decision for me since they won't stay open.
